文章來源 : 廣東優科檢測 發表時間:2022-10-18 瀏覽數量:
Conductor Secureness Test是UL817標準中的一個試驗項目,意思是導線連接可靠性測試。美規軟線組件和電源軟線UL817認證需要進行導線連接可靠性測試,接下來為大家介紹UL817導線連接可靠性測試。
UL817 (81.1, 81.2)
插頭的端子( blade,pin)或軟線連接器的接觸片( female contact)與電線連接好后,模塑或裝配到插頭或連接器之前。
Normal: 13 條
Tightened: 20 條
Reduced: 5 條
在電線與端子之間施加一個力(電線大于或等于18AWG時為20磅( 89牛),電線小于18AWG時為8磅( 36牛)),保持1分鐘。
Conductor Secureness Test
81 .1 If a conductor of a flexible cord is connected to an element (male blade or pin or female contact) of a fitting before the element has been assembled to the fitting, the connection shall not break under a pull applied for 1 minute between the element and the conductor before the element has been assembled into the fittings. A pull of 20 lbf (89 N) shall be applied if the conductor is No. 1 8 AWG or larger in size. If a smaller cord is used, the pull shall be 8 lbf (36 N).
81 .1 如果在元件裝配到配件上之前,軟線的導體已連接到配件的元件(公片或銷或母點)上,在元件裝配到配件中之前,在元件與導體之間施加1分鐘的拉力,該連接不得斷開。如果導體是No. 1 8 AWG或更大的尺寸,則應施加20 lbf (89 N)的拉力。如果使用較小的繩,拉力應為8 lbf (36 N)。
81 .2 While the test in 81 .1 is being performed, the angle between the element and the cord conductor is to be the same as in the completely assembled fitting. The test shall be performed by using dead weights or, at the manufacturer’s option, a power driven tensile testing machine. If a tensile testing machine is used it shall have jaws suitable for holding the specimen and capable of applying the minimum required tensile load to the specimen while separating at a uniform rate not exceeding 1 inch/minute (25.4 mm/min). The machine shall be equipped with a scale from which the load can be read to a value of 0.1 lbf (0.4 N). The accuracy of the scale shall be within ±2 % of the value read, and weights shall be provided for calibrating the machine.
81 .2 在進行81 .1中的測試時,元件與芯線導體之間的角度應與完全組裝的連接件中相同。測試應使用自重,或根據制造商的選擇,使用動力驅動拉力試驗機。如果使用拉力試驗機,它應該有適合容納試件的爪,并能夠在以不超過1英寸/分鐘(25.4毫米/分鐘)的均勻速度分離試件時,對試件施加最小所需的拉力載荷。機器應該配備一個刻度,從它可以讀出負載的值為0.1 lbf (0.4 N)。刻度的精度應在讀取值的±2%以內,并應提供用于校準機器的重量。
優科檢測認證是獲得UL TPTDP免目擊測試實驗室授權的第三方UL檢測實驗室,實驗室具備UL817標準全項測試能力,可提供軟線組件和電源軟線UL817測試及UL認證服務。